Moving On

The original purpose behind The Fourteen Percent Ride has long since been fulfilled. So, I've decided that Mighty Proud will be the last posting. It just seems right.

But, don't worry. Or maybe you should. In any event, I plan to continue. I'll keep riding. And writing. Click here to come along in my new blog ~ The Long White Line. <-- check it out!


As I've ridden for the last two years, I've picked up on the fact that Shirley, my darling wife, has been more worried about my safety than impressed with my "accomplishments." How do I know this? Well, when I'd come back and tell her, for example, that I'd hit 53.6 mph going down FO, she'd reply, "I don't want to hear it." Being the sensitive sort I figured out, after many such comments, that just maybe we were not on the same page here. But last week, she told me that she would "greatly reduce her focus on the 'fear for my safety' issue." We talked about the tour, looked at some maps, researched nutrition suggestions on the internet, and so on, just enjoying the idea of the ride. How nice is that? Thank you, Shirley!

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

Forty Days and Forty Nights?

If you hang around long enough you’ll find that no matter where you live, you are in a flood plain. Just ask Noah. It has rained here for more than two weeks and there has been serious damage done to homes and roads. It has affected my riding; many of the routes I regularly ride, especially to the south, are now closed, the washed out roadways being repaired. That’s not so important of course. Many people are working to put lives back together, too many after suffering the loss of loved ones in the major storm that appeared on their doorsteps during the night of August 18.

To check out the latest slide show on the flood and recovery at the La Crosse Tribune’s web site, click here.

I did get some riding in since last Tuesday: 141.2 miles with 6,303 feet of climbing. Not much, I know, but I’ve now gotten to within 1,252.1 miles of my 5,000 mile goal. Ride on…

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