Moving On

The original purpose behind The Fourteen Percent Ride has long since been fulfilled. So, I've decided that Mighty Proud will be the last posting. It just seems right.

But, don't worry. Or maybe you should. In any event, I plan to continue. I'll keep riding. And writing. Click here to come along in my new blog ~ The Long White Line. <-- check it out!


As I've ridden for the last two years, I've picked up on the fact that Shirley, my darling wife, has been more worried about my safety than impressed with my "accomplishments." How do I know this? Well, when I'd come back and tell her, for example, that I'd hit 53.6 mph going down FO, she'd reply, "I don't want to hear it." Being the sensitive sort I figured out, after many such comments, that just maybe we were not on the same page here. But last week, she told me that she would "greatly reduce her focus on the 'fear for my safety' issue." We talked about the tour, looked at some maps, researched nutrition suggestions on the internet, and so on, just enjoying the idea of the ride. How nice is that? Thank you, Shirley!

Monday, May 14, 2007

Wind and Rain

This was the windiest day so far. Coming from the SW at 20 - 30 mph. Just right for a headwind going southbound along the river. First ride of the day was a 20.6 mile round trip to Stoddard at noon. The ride south was not as hard as I expected and I think the aero bars helped. Coming back was a 22 mph rush along the 7 mile stretch of Hwy 35 with the stiff wind helping all the way. This evening I returned to Stoddard against the same headwind. From there it was up 162, riding mostly with the wind to Chaseburg. I reversed the route for a 34.1 mile ride. About 5 miles from home, I noticed the skies darkening. The weather changed quickly and with 3 miles to go it thundered and started RAINING. Soaked, I rolled into the garage thinking, "At least I don't have to water the newly transplanted plants." And I finally got in a little rain-riding.

Total ~ 1159.1 miles


Anonymous said...

Note to other readers: My dad does not normally EVER think of watering newly-transplanted plants (or any kind of plants for that matter) must have been on his mind because of the Honey-Do list my mom must have left for him since she was out of town. Am I right, Dad? *wink*

Jack said...

You are so very right. I was glad to see the rain!